Tag: Landscape News
November 18, 2016
Thanks For Making Us People’s Choice!
Thank you to everyone who voted for us! We are excited to announce we won the People’s Choice award for the Home Builders and Remodelers Association of Northern Vermont’s contest! We are beyond appreciative that we have so many awesome clients, colleagues and friends!...
December 22, 2015
Christmas Decor
The interior and exterior of the Hilton In Burlington was decorated with delightful Christmas displays. We used 15 Live 5 foot Blue Spruces, 500 Poinsettias, Hundreds of pounds of Cut Balsam Greens , hundreds of Red Twig Dogwood and Curly Willow to create these spectacular Christmas displays. It took a team of 7 people 5...
December 9, 2015
Proper Horticultural Practices / Spraying Antidesi...
Landshapes always practices proper Horticultural Practices when planting & maintaining all of its tree and plant material. Prior to winter hitting we spray all of our needled and broad leaf evergreen we planted with a Powerful Antidesicant. This coats the needles and leaves with a waxy substance for up to 6 months protecting them from winter...
February 13, 2015
Landscape ROI As High As 150%
A study by RealEstate. com suggests that landscaping and hardscaping can deliver a return on investment as high as 150 percent-an ROI that puts it ahead of popular home improvement projects like kitchen or bathroom updates. “When I bring a buyer to a home that features state-of-the-art landscaping and elements like a fire pit and...