What Bio Stimulants Do for Plants

  1.   Improving the efficiency of the plant’s metabolism to induce yield increases and enhanced crop quality;
  2.   Increasing plant tolerance to and recovery from abiotic stresses;
  3.   Facilitating nutrient assimilation, translocation and use;
  4.   Enhancing quality attributes of produce, including sugar content, color, fruit seeding, etc;
  5.   Rendering water use more efficient;
  6.   Enhancing soil fertility, particularly by fostering the development of complementary soil micro-organisms.

Bio-stimulation is the spontaneous plant response, whereby a catalyst (Bio-Plex-Root-Drench) stimulates numerous biological activities in the plant resulting in elevated levels of hormonal and other closely related compounds utilized for maintaining ‘elevated’ plant health & vigor.Increasing aggregate hormonal threshold levels (IAA, IBA & Others) greatly facilitates functional cell wall permeability and turgidity (in “ALL” plant tissues) providing the foundations directly responsible for successfully offsetting challenging “stress symptoms” throughout the extended planting cycle – harvest, installation and stabilization. Absent comprehensive cellular integrity, physiological and vascular functions become largely degraded, inefficient and nonfunctional. The onset of vascular failure manifests itself quite visibly in the form of wilt and flagging symptoms initially, frequently leading to tissue decline, and ultimately – possible plant mortality. Bio-Plex’s “Summer-Digging” application protocol targets individual, single plant cells which when considered collectively provide the building blocks for plant tissues, plant structures and ultimately fully functional complete ornamental plants.

First Pic: Stressed leaf tissue (cellular) representation. Note the smaller, irregular, less turgid cells. Less cell turgor equals less physical intracellular capacity for moisture, more involuntary transpiration from deformed guard cells at leaf stomata, and reduced cell-wall permeability. Result: More flaccid inferior cell walls. More space between individual cells diminishes their capacity for efficient fluid retention and translocation.

Second Pic: Healthy leaf tissue (cellular) representation. Note the larger more turgid cells. More cell turgor equals more capacity for moisture, less involuntary transpiration from ineffective leaf stomata guard cells. Greater cell-wall integrity promotes superior moisture retention and fluid translocation. Result: less wilt & flagging, decreased potential for tissue decline and reduced defoliation potential.

  • Biostimulation, Landscaping, Horticulture
  • biostimulation, Landscaping, Horticulture