Blog | Epic Tree Plantings
Epic Tree Plantings
January 11, 2018
The VT AOT Route 7 project in Charlotte had an impressive number of tree plantings. The planting project spanned two years with the majority of the trees being planted in 2017. The tree counts are as follows: (1,096) 5-7′ evergreen trees, (175) 2-2.5″ Deciduous Trees, and (372) 3-4′ Deciduous Shrubs.. We hauled in 5,070 cubic yards of imported soils for a proper planting environment. All material planted was inoculated with the appropriate soil microorganism for each speices. In addition we watered with a biostimulant consisting of humates, cold processed kelp, fish hydrolysate, L amino 18’s, and a wetting agent. An antidesicant was applied to all evergreens to protect from winter burn.